The office landscape has evolved exponentially since the advent of the digital age. Gone are typewriters, fax machines and store cupboards stacked floor to ceiling with hard copies of client information, expense reports and yearly accounts. Today, Android smartphones, iPhones, Microsoft Word, emailing and the Cloud reign supreme.

Yet, even today with all our technological ingenuity, businesses seem to stubbornly keep hold of data hard copies. Now, we’re not saying that there’s anything inherently wrong this – but in the age that we live in, digitising data wherever possible seems only logical. It can now be done with an iOS or Android Receipt Scanner app.

From the environment to budgetary, there are plenty of reasons why your business should go 100% paperless. Here are just a few of the reasons why going 100% paperless in the office may well prove to be the best decision that you ever made.

You’ll Speed Up Productivity with an Android Receipt Scanner

Did you know that the average office employee spends one and a half hours a day looking for and retrieving paper documents? Now, that might not immediately sound overly concerning but when you think about it, that’s seven and a half hours a week, or one full day!

Then consider company expenses. Manually accounting each employee’s monthly expenses, and then inputting them into an accounts system can be very time consuming. Just think how much time would be saved with API document scanning of OCR bills with an Android app – not to mention the fact that you’ll never have to worry about losing a paper invoice ever again.

Going paperless will free up employee time to concentrate on servicing clients, improve departmental productivity and performance, whilst making pertinent information easily accessible.

You’ll Save Money with an Android Receipt Scanner or iOS Receipt Scanner

In going paperless, you’ll save money. Immediately. Paper, printers, toner and copier all cost money. Long thought to be essential to any working environment, today these devices have all but become redundant in many working environments across the world.

Not having the expense of buying and operating these devices on a week-to-week basis will drastically reduce your overheads. And, after all, is there anything that printing out a document gives you that a digital version doesn’t?

Google docs, the iCloud, receipt scanning technology and emailing eliminate the need to print hard copies of any document. The cost saving alone could allow you to finance new tablets for everyone in the office – and even provide revenue for marketing and sales endeavours to help you grow your business.

This is, perhaps, most evident in receipt scanning technology. A simple, digital OCR check will identify each line, extracting the relevant information. You don’t need to invest valuable time and money in office equipment and reviewing documents.

You’ll Improve the Customer Experience

The customer experience has always been integral to the success of any business. But in today’s world of instant global digital communication, how, or more importantly, how responsive you are to individual customer’s needs is paramount.

Paper is easily lost or discarded by accident. This is especially true of receipts. Once stored online, documentation is there for as long as you choose to keep it. How are you supposed to service your customers professionally, if you don’t have the relevant paper documentation to hand?

In addition, paper documents don’t have the same professional impact as they once had. Most businesses are more concerned with how quickly you respond to a query as opposed to how professional your letterhead looks.

Now, sure, professionalism is still vital to any business and a well-designed company logo and contact details are essential to brand marketing but, you don’t need to have a printed piece of paper with a logo to make your brand awareness pitch – that’s what a website is for!

There are a great many reasons why your business will benefit from going paper-free – we’ve not even touched on the space-saving and environmentally-friendly benefits! Perhaps it’s time to really consider whether it’s time that you go 100% paperless. Tabscanner is behind the OCR receipt scanning technology to help us go paperless.

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