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Transforming Business Operations: Key Use Cases of Receipt OCR in Expense Management, Loyalty Rewards, and Market Research

Transforming Business Operations: Key Use Cases of Receipt OCR in Expense Management, Loyalty Rewards, and Market Research

Receipt Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has revolutionized how businesses handle financial data and customer interactions. By automating the extraction of information from receipts, OCR is driving efficiency and unlocking valuable insights. This article explores three primary use cases of receipt OCR: expense management, loyalty rewards programs, and market research. Expense Management: Receipt OCR has […]

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Tabscanner Data Refinement: Achieving Peak OCR Technology Accuracy through the additional training of models

Tabscanner Data Refinement: Achieving Peak OCR Technology Accuracy through the additional training of models

Tabscanner Data Refinement: Achieving Peak Accuracy for OCR Technology through the additional training of models In the complex landscape of receipt OCR technology, achieving high levels of accuracy is crucial for businesses that depend on detailed data extraction from various receipt formats. At Tabscanner, we understand that the needs of our clients can be intricate […]

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How to Manage Clients Virtually During Lockdowns, Including Using Receipt Reader

How to Manage Clients Virtually During Lockdowns, Including Using Receipt Reader

Connecting with your clients during lockdown can be a challenge. After all, irrespective of what your business does, your customers want to feel assured, optimistic, and brimming with confidence that your business can meet, or better still, exceed their expectations.  Now, there’s much more to commercial success than that, but the reality is that good […]

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