Choosing the right receipt scanning software for your business is paramount. This straightforward decision can make the difference between having a streamlined efficient expense management solution or one that’s difficult to manage, even counterproductive to your business goals. Visit our homepage at Tabscanner Receipt OCR API for the best information
It’s not uncommon for business owners to do a quick search online, browse a couple of websites, read a handful of testimonials, maybe ask their colleagues, and decide on an OCR API that will fundamentally change their commercial practices. But is this right? Probably not.
More often than not, businesses choose a software with the most established reputation. Is this right? Not always. Developers and business owners understand the importance of having tailored software solutions.
Big decisions – especially big commercial decisions that can affect the whole company – require a little bit more R&D. Now, we’re not saying that some businesses make decisions without having the requisite information, what we’re saying is the more you know, the better.
So, what do we suggest? That businesses have all the requisite information they need before choosing which software solution, like receipt optical character recognition software, is best for their business.
This is where we make our pitch for why you should make receipt OCR software with Tabscanner’s receipt OCR with AI API to manage your expenses. Interested in learning more? Keep reading to learn all about our technical merits.
The World’s Most Accurate Receipt OCR API
Let’s start with an elevator pitch. A statement that tells developers and business owners everything that they need to know about Tabscanner’s receipt scanning software: Tabscanner is the world’s most accurate receipt OCR API.
We can achieve 98% accuracy on core line data, including establishments, dates, and totals. Having successfully extracted more than 100,000,000 receipts worldwide in myriad of languages and character sets, you can begin to understand just how impressive 98% accuracy is.
Compare this with another receipt scanning software, let’s just pick on at random: Taggun who proclaim on their website that can achieve 82.26% accuracy and you can see how impressive Tabscanner’s performance really is.
Lightning-Fast Cloud API
As any developer will tell you, any app is only as good as its API. But what exactly is an API (Application Programming Interface)? Well, it’s a software intermediary that allows two applications to speak to one another. APIs are everywhere. Every time you use an app like Facebook to check your account or check the weather forecast on your phone, you’re using an API.
Apps need to have software with the fastest APIs possible, after all are you happy waiting thirty, twenty, ten seconds to use the app for whatever you want. Think of it this way, if you’re heading out on a hike and want to check the weather forecast for a few hours later, would you wait twenty or thirty seconds to discover the temperature? We’re guessing not.
Developers and decision-makers understand the value of having access to swift, immediate information. They know that in 2021 you have seconds, not minutes to engage an audience. Consumer patience is a luxury – a rare one at that.
Tabscanner can process all receipt data fields in under two seconds. That’s as close to instantaneous as you’re going to get – which makes it one of the most lauded software for scanning receipts in the world. It’s that simple.
Line-Item Data Extraction
Traditional OCR was plagued by poor performance. The idea was there, but for a look time we were waiting for the technology to catch up. Thankfully, in 2021 this problem has been solved and receipt OCR software now boosts exceptional levels of accuracy.
However, as strong as some other OCR receipt scanners perform, none of them can hold a candle to Tabscanner. As we’ve mentioned earlier in this article, Tabscanner is the world’s most advanced receipt OCR API.There is no reason not to make receipt OCR software with Tabscanner.
How does out software achieve this? By extracting data line-by-line. It doesn’t just scan a receipt, invoice, or document as a whole, it scans each line item individually, transferring the data from paper to digital format meticulously.
Not only that, but the intuitive AI can also understand receipt fields at human levels of intelligence. Capable of identifying and transferring print document data into a digital format any language or character set in the world, whether you have printed receipts in English, Spanish, Japanese, Kanji, Arabic and much, much more, it offers a truly global solution.
Simple and Robust API
Now, we know that we’ve already mentioned Tabcanner’s receipt scanner software API, but there’s much more to its performance capabilities than just it’s accuracy – as amazing as that may seem – namely that Tabscanner’s API is simple and robust.
What does this mean? Simple. The software can be seamlessly integrated with a reliable and easy-to-use API. Whether you have an Apple iPhone or android Google Pixel or Samsung Galaxy, integrating Tabscanner’s API is a breeze.
This means that businesses are not constrained by their mobile phone contracts when they choose Tabscanner. Now, we all know that they’ll always be die-hard iPhone fanatics who’ll never consider switching to a Samsung Galaxy, not in a million years, but there’s something reassuring to know that if you ever consider switching Tabscanner’s receipt scanner software will work perfectly whether you have an iPhone or android device.
Should You Should Make Receipt OCR Software with Tabscanner API
Given the technical performance, it’s hard to argue against the receipt OCR API software Tabscanner provides. It is quite simply, the best on OCR API on the market today. Period. End of discussion. We have a YouTube channel which you may find helpful e.g. a webinar of the data extraction journey.
But, if you’re someone who believes that the proof is in the pudding and want to see how this simple software will enrich your business, why not start your free trial today. You won’t be disappointed.