The decision has been made. The time has come to implement a mobile receipt scanning platform to help you manage your corporate expenses. But, what do you do next?

For many businesses, integrating a mobile expense management platform for employees to use can be a somewhat daunting task. Will it prove effective? How long will the adjustment period be? Will it benefit the business in the long run?

Change is something that people react to. Some embrace it, other’s resist it. This is no different in a professional environment. One of the more challenging aspects of change is swapping those old habits for new ones – something that everyone must adjust to. What’s most important in the workplace is that any adjustments are as seamless as possible and training time in minimal.

With that being said, let’s look at how you can successfully integrate an expense management platform with optimal receipt OCR within your business.

Be Clear in Your Intentions and Expectations

Any successful commercial integration doesn’t begin the day of the change but weeks or sometimes months in advance. Preparing your team for the change amplifies transparency and ensures that each person has a clear picture of the scope and specifics of what you intend to do.

Getting your team excited about how the integration of receipt scanning API is a good way to ensure a positive reaction once the interaction is initiated. Talk about how the technology directly benefits them and highlight how it makes their working life easier.

Why not host a series of lunch and learn sessions, educating your team of the nature of the technology and how to use it? You shouldn’t forget to clearly state why you’re adopting receipt OCR and any new policies. Do this before launching and by the time you roll out the new platform and you’ll avoid confusion, frustration and enjoy a seamless transition.

Trail Platform Functionality Beforehand

There are few things more frustrating to employees than when new platforms and software is introduced which hinder their daily duties.

In your excitement to roll out an expense management platform, don’t neglect to test that it’s suited for your purpose – and offers optimal receipt OCR. The good news for businesses is that they don’t need to be in a hurry to integrate an expense management platform. Take your time to make sure that: one, the platform is suitable to your business, and two that it offers reliable and meticulous OCR.

OCR technology is an innovation that’s still in its earlier generations. Now, it’s true that the technology has come a long way in a few short years but, there are still tweaks that can be made. Integrating a platform with the best receipt scanning API available, like Tabscanner will save you headaches in the future. Why? Tabscanner has an API that’s unrivalled in the market.

Start with a Pilot Team and Build from There

You’ll need to have an implantation strategy. A good idea is to select one team within your business to have access to the expense management platform then integrate it to all others over time.

Why is this important? Well, choosing a pilot team before rolling out the platform to the entire company allows you to resolve any implementation niggles and highlight areas to focus future training on.

Make sure that you gather all feedback from pilot team members, asking them to be honest. Gathering feedback will give you an insight into how best to manage the launch of your receipt OCR platform, making sure that your company-wide launch goes as smooth as possible.

Not only that but, other teams across your business can see the benefit of employing receipt scanning software, generating interest for when they get the chance to jump on the platform

So, there’s a basic overview of how to successfully integrate an expense management platform within your business. Follow these steps and you’re on the road to happy employees and streamlined processes.

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