At the turn of the decade, the paperless office seemed a forgone conclusion. An inevitability. The word was that it’s only a matter of time before offices across the world become completely paper-free, with our every activity completed on computer, tablet or iPhone.

Yet, here we are in 2018 still using reams and reams of throughout the 9-5. It’s true today that offices use more digital technology than ever before, but we’re yet to see a fully paperless office.
This is the digital age. It’s a time when touchscreens, smartphones, tablets, apps and document scanning API OCR bills is everywhere. Our working lives are now more efficient, more streamlined, easier.

Somehow, paper stubbornly refuses to yield its hold on some offices. According to industry commentators as many as 15 million pages printed globally every single year. Does that sound like we’ve made leaps and bounds in eradicating paper from our offices? No. It doesn’t.

Why are Offices Still Overflowing with Paper?

There are many reasons why paper still rules the roost in offices across the world. Let’s take a logical look at the reasons why document and receipt OCR technology, not to mention online platforms, are not staples in every single global office.

The reality is that the technological revolution is still relatively in its infancy. Gutenberg invented the world’s first printing press in 1440. So, in terms of written communication, paper has been around for almost 600 years. We’ve come a long way in terms of our technological innovation since the dawn of the Millennium, but that time-frame of a mere eighteen years is but a drop in the ocean.

A very high percentage of the global workforce have known nothing different from taking notes, printing out documents and writing letters – which are then posted after being printed out. So ingrained are their processes that going digital seems more trouble than it’s worth.

Most offices still rely on expansive, complex paper filing systems that date back years. Transferring all that information into digital data is a daunting, laborious and time-consuming process. This makes any potential transition more difficult. It’s not uncommon for offices to opt against this and stick to their tried and trusted paper cabinets.

Security is another primary reason many businesses choose to not go paperless. Despite document scanning API OCR bills being 100% safe, and more transactions are made than ever before using online payment platforms like PayPal, digital information is not without its security concerns. Data can be copied and shared – something that many businesses find a concern – especially those who hold private and sensitive data.

The Change Will Be a Gradual Transition

Paper increases operational costs, according to YouGov. It’s estimated that SME’s compromise productivity to the tune of $70 million dollars * per day globally looking for and retrieving documents. has also noted that the average office worker uses 10,000 * sheets of copy paper each year.

Will offices ever be paperless? Given the relentless march of technological and as the millennial workforce who’ve grown up with technology mature into their careers, it seems likely that 100% paperless offices will be the norm in the future. A bold claim, but one that isn’t without grounding.

Any change to a paperless office is one that should be rolled out strategically over weeks or months. This gives office employees the chance to get to grips with how document scanning API OCR bills, such as, is more efficient and easier to do than manually completing information on a printed document.

Similarly, a staggered roll-out of new processes allows employers to find what works and what does not. This allows the office to create and hone their processes for a more streamlined and efficient working environment.

The benefits of a paperless office are obvious – increases productivity, cost saving and it’s better on the environment. However, the transition is one that businesses are taking a mite longer than anticipated to instigate. However, with the relentless march of technology, including innovative services and platforms like receipt OCR apps, and a changing in values and increased understanding of and reliance on technology, it seems that a completely paperless office may be on the horizon very soon.

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